Friday, May 31, 2019

A Few Pecans Short of a Pie - Molly Harper (Pocket - Feb 2019)

Series: Southern Eclectic (Book 2.5)

Sexy school principal Kyle faces the biggest challenge of his career: getting his (pregnant) event planner girlfriend Margot down the aisle before the baby arrives!

Readers first fell in love with big city event planner Margot in the first Southern Eclectic novel, Sweet Tea and Sympathy, as she discovered a long-lost branch of her family—the McCreadys, of McCready's Bait Shop & Funeral Home. To Margot’s surprise, she's taken a liking to life in small-town Georgia...helped along by a romance with the hot elementary school principal.

The two of them have been taking it slow—or they were until Margot gets pregnant! Kyle wants to make an honest woman of her, but Margot's still trying to proceed with caution. After all, she was the best event planner in Chicago before she ever came to Lake Sackett—her wedding has to be perfect, and perfect includes not having the baby halfway down the aisle.

Fun follow-up to Sweet Tea and Sympathy, the story of Margot and Kyle's romance. I thoroughly enjoyed catching up on their lives and seeing how far Margot has come from her first days in Lake Sackett. She has settled in comfortably to her life with Kyle, Hazel, and June, surprised at how happy she is about becoming a mother to the girls and the baby on the way. She still has moments when she's afraid she'll screw something up, but Kyle is always there to talk her down.

Her problem is with the whole getting married thing. It's not that she doesn't want to be Kyle's wife. She does. Her issue is with the wedding planning process - not a good thing for an event planner. Now that she has this huge Southern family, everybody has ideas and expectations, none of which match up with hers. She doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but the stress on top of pregnancy hormones is wearing her down. She also has to contend with sorting out June and Hazel's feelings, and Kyle's in-laws' lack of enthusiasm. The bright side (other than Kyle himself) is the supply of heavenly pecan pie provided by the new baker in town.

There were some very heartwarming scenes, such as Margot's conversation with Hazel at the dress store, and her talks with her father when the stress would get to be too much. There were also some laugh-out-loud funny scenes, usually involving her aunts or cousins. And one funny-sexy scene that involved Margot, Kyle, and pecan pie. And in the end, it was Kyle's love and support that helped Margot decide on the perfect wedding.

Another part of this book was the introduction of Lucy, owner of the Gimme Some Sugar bakery. There is apparently some history between Lucy and Duffy. Combined with what we've seen of Duffy's ex-wife, I'm certain that the next book is going to be terrific.

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