Saturday, March 2, 2019

The SEAL's Secret Daughter - Christy Jeffries (HSE #2680 - Mar 2019)

Series: Sugar Falls, Idaho (Book 9)
             American Heroes (Book 15)

A Daddy on a Mission

When ex-SEAL Ethan Renault settles in Sugar Falls, Idaho, the last thing he expects to find on his doorstep…is his daughter. The soldier turned insta-dad is desperate for help -- and librarian Monica Alvarez is just the woman to help him connect with his little girl. But when sparks fly between them, the soldier realizes his next mission might just be to turn their no-strings romance into a forever family!

I read this book in one sitting - I could not put it down; it was so emotionally gripping. Ethan came to settle in Sugar Falls after he left the SEALs because that's where one of his friends lived. He was looking for a place to put down roots after living on the move for most of his life. He was also dealing with the fallout from his last tour - guilt over a friend's death, and the alcoholism that he finally acknowledged. Now he works hard at his construction job, plays hard with his extreme sports hobbies, and fights hard against the craving for a drink. The last thing he expected was for a high school girlfriend to show up early one morning and drop off an 11-year-old girl she claims is his daughter.

I could feel Ethan's shock, his anger at not having known before, and his utter panic at not knowing what to do. It was also easy to feel how nervous and overwhelmed Trina was. I liked how Ethan's protective instincts kicked in quickly. Their arrival at the café was quite a shock to Monica, but she handled it quite well. I loved how quickly she connected with Trina and was able to help Ethan deal with a crisis.

Monica was attracted to Ethan from the time they met but has resisted giving in to it. She has some serious issues from her past, making her resistant to what she sees as "bad boys," and she was certain that Ethan fell into that category. She also had a lot going on in her life, as she lives with her grandmother. Gran suffered from Alzheimer's, and it had rapidly progressed, creating a great deal of stress for Monica.

I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Ethan and Monica. Ethan was interested in Monica from the start, but couldn't get past her walls. It didn't help his cause very much that he was an outrageous flirt, which he used to hide when he was uncomfortable. I sometimes got frustrated with Monica, because she judged Ethan by the actions of those in the past who had hurt her, instead of looking at him as himself. Behind that flirtatious surface is a man with a big heart. I loved watching him do everything possible to make Trina part of his life, made easier with Monica's help. I enjoyed watching her tease Ethan a little about all he has to look forward to. Ethan was also there for Monica when there were problems with her grandmother, always ready to lend a helping hand. The more time they spent together, the more their attraction grew. Ethan wanted to see where it would go, but Monica can't let herself trust the feelings, committing only to a no-strings relationship. I ached for them both when things started getting more intense, and Monica panicked. Though some of what she said to Ethan was hurtful, it did give him a kick that he needed to move forward. Monica also had some surprises in store when she faced her own past. But it took advice to an eleven-year-old girl from a forgetful old woman to get Ethan and Monica talking again. I loved that scene, and the honesty of Ethan talking about being a work in progress. The epilogue was great, with Gran and Trina plotting again.

I also loved both Trina and Gran. I loved seeing Trina bloom under Ethan's care. As she became more comfortable in her situation, it was great to see her personality develop. Her problems with school were realistic, and I liked how they were handled. Learning that she could depend on Ethan to be there for her was a huge thing for her. There were some terrific scenes of them together, and they learned about each other. I especially loved their acceptance of their differences. Gran was a riot. When she was with it, she had a pretty wicked sense of humor. I ached for her when she had her episodes, and also for Monica who just wanted to take care of her. It was fun to see Gran try her hand at matchmaking. I liked her bit during the epilogue as she talked about her life as it was now.


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