Sunday, December 1, 2019

Saving the Sister - Cindi Myers (Cindi Myers - June 2019)

Series: Callahan County Cold Case (Book 1)

Reunited lovers join forces to battle a killer. The disappearance of 16 year old Mallory Jameson fifteen years ago shook the rural mountain communities of Callahan County Colorado. When a hiker discovers Mallory's remains, investigating the cold case reunites Sheriff's Deputy DJ Harris with the woman he never forgot - and a danger that threatens what he holds most dear.

Terrific start to the trilogy. I was sucked right into the story and read it and the two others straight through. They certainly made my trans-Atlantic flight "fly" right by. Each book deals with the cold case investigation of Mallory Jameson's murder, but also has a new mystery that is solved by the end of the book. All were gripping tales.

Lauren is a counselor at the high school she attended as a student. She loves helping students plan their futures. I enjoyed seeing the interactions between her and her students. It's evident that they love and respect her. Her life had changed, and not for the better when her older sister disappeared, and her high school counselor had a significant impact on her life. I ached for Lauren as I read about how she was pretty much ignored by her parents after Mallory's disappearance. The bright spot in her life was her growing friendship with the school "bad boy" Donny Harris until he was sent away.

Deputy DJ Harris came back to Diamond Springs after turning his life around. I liked hearing about what changed his outlook and how he turned it into positive action. It was pretty sweet to hear him tell Lauren about what brought him back home, in spite of the bad memories that were there.

The story opened as DJ sat in front of Lauren's condo, reminiscing on Mallory's disappearance as he works up to telling her that Mallory's remains were found by a hiker. I liked his concern for her, the care he used in telling her the news, and his willingness to help her through what happens next. I was impressed by Lauren's calmness as she heard what he had to say, and her need for the closure of seeing Mallory's remains. I loved the scene at the coffee shop, as DJ gives Lauren a chance to process everything before going home alone. I liked seeing them both remember their past friendship and had to laugh at DJ's shock when she told him about her crush on him. He never thought someone as good as her would even look twice at someone like him. He was even more surprised by her emphatic belief that he was a good person who just needed a chance.

I really liked the development of Lauren and DJ's relationship. It didn't take long for their old friendship to reassert itself. DJ's protectiveness kicked in with the threats against Lauren, and Lauren found it very easy to trust him. The chemistry was clear between them, and I enjoyed seeing Lauren take the lead in giving in to it. Both of them had grown up in difficult circumstances giving them a solid empathy for each other and ease of understanding each other's motivations. I loved the ending and Lauren's belief that DJ would be there for her.

The suspense of the story was excellent. It starts with the discovery of Mallory's remains, and the sheriff's department's determination to solve the cold case. There are very few clues to go on, leaving them to start nearly from the beginning. Things get more complicated when Lauren begins receiving letters that are eerily like the ones her sister received before her disappearance. The tension escalates when the note-leaver breaks into Lauren's home to leave one of the notes. The attacks feel personal, and several people are possible suspects. I was on the edge of my seat as the book progressed and the intensity grew. The final confrontation itself was a nail-biter, though the bad guy wasn't a complete surprise. I loved that a sharp-eyed student played an essential role in Lauren's rescue.

The secondary characters are all well done. DJ's fellow law enforcement officers show their determination to solve Mallory's murder and also keep Lauren safe. I liked the scenes that showed their actions and thought processes. Lauren's friend Mia was terrific. I enjoyed her teasing Lauren about DJ, but also that she was right there when Lauren needed the support. I especially liked the two students that we got to see. Sophie is exactly the type of student that Lauren became a counselor to help. I ached for what she was going through and loved that talking to Lauren gave her the strength she needed to succeed. I liked Lauren's support of Trey and his plans for the future, and her willingness to stand up to his parents to make them see past their own desires. Jessica was a bit of comic relief with her over-the-top reactions to the discovery of Mallory's remains. Her ability to make it all about her made me shake my head in disbelief. The newspaper editor was a pain in the neck. I hated the way he harassed Lauren and made snide comments about DJ and the sheriff's department. I completely empathized with both Lauren and DJ and their desire to inflict bodily harm on the man.

When I finished this book I was happy that I had the next one so that I could see what was going to happen next.

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