Friday, October 25, 2019

Military Grade Mistletoe - Julie Miller (HI #1751 - Dec 2017)

Series: Precinct (Book 31)

She saved his life when everything was hopeless. He's determined to return the favor.

Not even Master Sergeant Harry Lockhart's military expertise could stop the IED that killed his team and left him injured. Only Daisy Gunderson -- a pen pal he'd never met -- and her kind letters helped him survive. But Daisy in the flesh is the surly Marine's polar opposite. She's outgoing, talkative and putting his military training on high alert. A stalker named Secret Santa is targeting the kindhearted teacher…and the pranks are growing deadly.

In Daisy, Harry's finally found the safe haven he needs. And he'll be damned if anyone is going to take her from him.

Terrific book that I read in one sitting. It opens with Harry, who was injured by an IED, being told by his doctor that he needs to take some time off to deal with everything that has happened to him. Once he has gotten "his head on straight," the Marine Corps will decide if he is ready to go back on duty or if he will be discharged. I ached for Harry because, other than his sister Hope, the Marines have been his home and his family for seventeen years. He can't picture his life outside the Corps. One thing that he believes will help is meeting Daisy, the pen pal whose letters were an integral part of his survival. He has a mental picture of the "angel" who he believes can help him heal.

Daisy is a high school English teacher. She is outgoing, friendly, and has a huge heart. She loves bringing out the best in her students and helping them achieve their goals. She has also received creepy gifts from someone who calls himself "Secret Santa." These gifts stir up old memories of the ex-boyfriend who tried to kill her several years earlier.

I loved the first meeting between Harry and Daisy. He showed up on her doorstep just as she had spotted suspicious footprints in the snow outside her home. Though initially nervous about the stranger at her door, once she found out who he was, her attitude changed completely. I loved her joy at finally meeting him, and how she hugged him so fiercely. Poor Harry was confused and overwhelmed. She wasn't anything like his mental picture of her, which upended his plan to have her help him. But even as he worked to extricate himself from her, he could see that something bothered her. I liked that she was comfortable enough with him to ask for his help. What he found made his protectiveness kick in.

I loved the development of the relationship between Daisy and Harry. His protectiveness won't let him leave her vulnerable, and he insists on staying close to her. That closeness also opens him up to her caring nature, and it isn't long before the walls around his heart start to crumble. I loved her empathy for the things he's going through and how she shares her experiences to help him work through his pain. Thanks to the letters they had exchanged, there was already a deep friendship between them. Added to that is their intense attraction to each other. I loved seeing that attraction bloom and with it a deeper connection. Harry has some trouble believing that Daisy would want a physically and mentally messed up guy like him, but Daisy is unwavering in her belief in him. The ending was deeply emotional, and I loved Harry's gift to Daisy.

The suspense of the story was fantastic. The creepiness of the "gifts" that Daisy received was chilling, and the fear they caused her was palpable. The escalation of the stalker's activities added to the tension. The scene after the basketball game showed the danger that Daisy was in. The identity of the stalker came as a surprise as it was not the one I thought it was. The final confrontation was a nail-biter and had me glued to the pages until it was all over. Harry's part in it was fantastic, and I loved his unexpected partner.

I loved all of Daisy's rescue dogs, but the one who really had my heart was Caliban. I loved the way he took to Harry, which also helped Harry with his grief over the loss of his dog. There were some terrific scenes with Harry and the dogs. I also loved seeing various characters from previous books show up in this one. First and foremost was Harry's sister, Hope, and her husband (Task Force Bride). Assorted members of the KCPD made their appearances during the investigation into the stalker.

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